Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Meet my puppies!

So my puppies mean so much to me I love them like they are my children :) They make me so happy and if I'm feeling really depressed or anxious my doggies just always seem to make me happier! Let me know if you are the same and you know where I am coming from!

So I thought I would properly introduce them and show them off because I love them sooo much!

I'm going to start with my dog Charlie who sadly passed away 2 years ago, he was 14 years old and he was a staff,  and I got him when I think I was about 3. He was part of the family and I was heart broken when he passed away but he was very old and very poorly :(
On a more positive note, he is now in doggy heaven eating lots of treats and having fun!

He was a very sweet and loving dog, he wasn't that well behaved with other dogs but he was so loving and caring towards people, he would get quite shy and anxious around new people but he was extremely loving!

A few months before Charlie passed away we got another puppy called Bella, She is 2 years old now I think she was born in January or February. She is a black shihtzu
I love her so much, I love how all dogs have like their own little personality, she is so sweet but she gets very protective over things like her toys or bed or cardboard from toilet roll! Yes. She always manages to get that, and she always seems to find bits of tissue to chew on, yep she is a nuisance sometimes!

She is so loving, friendly and playful. She is the big sister and she is a big softie, she lets her little sister annoy her and rarely tells her off. She is my little baby ♥

Then I have Millie, she turned 1 last month so she is still a baby. She is a white shihtzu/ maltese. She is adorable! She is like a little fluffy, chubby baby :) My boyfriend has nicknamed her chunky or chunk for short

Now Millie alwaaaaaaays has something in her mouth. Always. Even when I just walk through the door and she runs up to you wagging her tail she will be so excited and wanting to greet you but she will still have something in her mouth. Or if she comes and sees my in my room she will always walk in with something in her mouth. And 90% of the time it will be a sock in her mouth (preferably a dirty one) 9% of the time it will be a shoe or a slipper and 1% of the time she will be a bit more normal and have a toy in her mouth, but it very rarely is a toy.

She is the naughty little sister but she is very loving and she just loves to play with anyone and everyone, and loves getting lots of love and attention ♥

So these are my puppies!

I would love to know what pets you have so let me know in the comments!

I hope you enjoyed reading!

I love you all and I hope you have an amazing day ♥

Love Megan xx

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